The number beside the restaurant's name is the mark it received out of 10.
Alice Restaurant and Bar 5
Alma 7
Akira Back 7.5
Antler 8
Aroma Espresso Cafe 7
Akira Back 7.5
Antler 8
Aroma Espresso Cafe 7
Bar Poet 8
Casa Paco 7
Dasha 7
Kintori Yakitori 8
Kitten and the Bear - information post
Kost 8
La Banane 7.5
La Cubana 7.5
Laissez Faire 7.5
La Palma 7.5
Lavelle 7.5
Kitten and the Bear - information post
Kost 8
La Banane 7.5
La Cubana 7.5
Laissez Faire 7.5
La Palma 7.5
Lavelle 7.5
Parquet 6
Pink Sky 7
Pomegranate 7.5
Porzia's 9